Saturday, April 10, 2010

Linux System Information Gathering Tools

Linux-Explorer ( LINUXexplo ) - Linux System Information Gathering Tool

Linux Explorer ( LINUXexplo ) is a script that collects software and hardware information about a linux server for support purposes, similar to the Solaris explorer ( SUNWexplo ) , Redhat's "sysreport" and SuSE's "siga" script.

The script is designed to collect information about a server to help service departments support linux and have a common set of scripts for collecting information about linux no matter what distro users are using.

The information is stored in seperated directories, once all the information has been collected it then tar's up those directories into a single gzip tar file which can then be attached to an email for your support organization or copied to a remote server for safe keeping.

This script collects the following information :-
# release Section
# hardware
# process
# boot/grub/lilo
# /etc config information
# performance/System
# kernel
# disk
# raid information
# software information
# sysconfig
# Systems Log
# networking
# xinetd
# clusters
# crontab
# printers
# openldap
# pam
# sendmail
# postfix
# time
# ppp
# apache
# openssh
# X11

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