Monday, April 12, 2010

Remote Graphical Console on a Ubuntu Server

Remote Graphical Console on a Ubuntu Server

In some rare situations, you need a GUI on a remote server which you have SSH access to. Trying to install full Linux desktop to get GUI has drawbacks as it consumes lot of System resources. Most optimal solution is install VNCserver and access gui over vncviewer.

In the below example: we assume you are remote and the only tool you have is windows putty, which has port forwarding ability via a ssh tunnel.

Install tightvncserver

# apt-get install tightvncserver xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi twm xterm

To start VNC server

# vncserver
will display the port number your can connect to "for example :1 means port 5901", :2 means port 5902

To change vnc password

# vncpasswd

From vncviewer

# vncviewer ip:1

From remote putty

Port foward localhost:5901:remote_ip:5901
vncviewer localhost:5901
You should now see the graphical X window.

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