Monday, January 22, 2018

How to Decrypt Weblogic AES Encrypted username and password !

Here are steps to Decrypt Weblogic AES Encrypted Username and Password ! 

NOTE 1 : When you do this things, make sure you have login to the weblogic Box
NOTE 2 : If you try to decrypt the other Weblogic AES Encrypted password from another Weblogic Instance it will NOT WORK. You got to do the operation on the same Box
NOTE 3 : It will also help you do decrypt the Passwords for DataStore which stores in config/jdbc

How to find the Domain Home and JVM Properties 

Step A. 

$ps -ef | grep java  ( On Weblogic server )
$cd {java_path}

Step B. 

./jcmd {PID_Weblogic} VM.system_properties|sort

./jcmd 24882 VM.system_properties|sort

With the output, we can see all the properties of the Weblogic, Domain Name, JARs Loaded, JAVA in Use, Config Files, Xml files

Other Way !

$lsof -i -P  $lsof {PID_Weblogic}

It will also share all the files being used by the weblogic instance

Example : Username and Password

Generally it stores in file
Path : {Domain_Home}/servers/AdminDomain/security/
Domain_Home : It is the path where the Domain is being Created.


Step A : 

$source $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/
This will load all the Environment Variables so that you can run WLST

Example Below :
bash-4.1$ java weblogic.WLST
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands

Step B : 

$cd $DOMAIN_HOME/security

Please Create a file name as in the above Directory and copy the below contents in the file

from import *
from import *

encryptionService = SerializedSystemIni.getEncryptionService(".")
clearOrEncryptService = ClearOrEncryptedService(encryptionService)

passwd = raw_input("Enter encrypted password of one which you wanted to decrypt : ")

plainpwd = passwd.replace("\\", "")

print "Plain Text password is: " + clearOrEncryptService.decrypt(plainpwd)

=> save the file and give execute permission ($chmod +x )

Final Step : Run the below Command to decrypting the password. 
Enter the encrypted password when prompted 

$java weblogic.WLST
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
Enter encrypted password of one which you wanted to decrypt : {AES}LsGaddassssvQDyibmejXFkf1tWxyndNArAhZ3M5GcnjXWUpJs=
Plain Text password is: Welcome123

Using this way we can decrypt the encrypted password from boot.propertis
 and db schema passwords stored data source xml files on
$DOMAIN_HOME/config/jdbc and also we can decrypt the NM password which
is on config.xml

You can also use WLST to encrypt clear text strings as below:
cd /bin

#java weblogic.WLST
wls:/offline> pass = encrypt(‘admin123’)
wls:/offline> print pass 

Reset the AdminServer Password or when you change the DOMAIN_NAME
a. Shutdown the WebLogic Domain
b. Rename the data folder
     mv $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/data
and delete the tmp folder under $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer
c. Set the environment variables 
$. $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/
d. cd $DOMAIN_HOME/security
$ java username password .
e. Update the "$DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/" file with the new username and password. The file format is shown below.
f. Start the Weblogic Domain